"Do all the good you can, By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can, In all the places you can,
At all the times you can, To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can." -John Wesley

Friday, November 7, 2008

My New Journey

Whoo hooo! I started a new weight loss regimen last Friday. As most of you know, my weight is a very touchy subject for me. I guess what jump started it was being at my friend Wendy's house a couple of weeks ago and her showing me pictures of us on the beach in high school and college. Although I know I will never look like that again, I figured it was time to get serious about dropping some pounds or continue to buy bigger jeans every year - and that is not an option. I've made some significant changes in my diet (going back to more natural foods), started exercising even more and joined the Coppell Wellness Program (I call it my witch doctor). The hardest has been giving up Diet Coke. Even though there are no calories in it, the artificial sweeteners can trick your body into thinking you are consuming sugar making it harder to burn fat. Typically, I drink 8 diet cokes a day, so this is big stuff for me! Of course Diet Coke sales may plummet now! Water is my new best friend. So, I went for my first weigh in today - that's where the whoo hooo part comes in. I've lost 5 pounds and 7 inches in 7 days!! Wish me luck and I will keep posting my progress!

1 comment:

The Theaux Family said...

I'm impressed! Congrats and keep it up!