"Do all the good you can, By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can, In all the places you can,
At all the times you can, To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can." -John Wesley

Monday, January 5, 2009

A 30 year old kid...

Shane and April Robert were so nice to invite us out to April's parent's house for Shane's 30th on Saturday. The ranch was BEAUTIFUL! We had a great time celebrating with them.

The kids found the zip line which kept them entertained for quite some time!
This big kid (aka Eric) was showing off on the trampoline! Luckily the party was filled with EMTs/Paramedics in case he hurt himself!
The birthday boy takes a swing at the pinata! (No, Eric, it is not a wind sock!)
This is when the party officially died. Shane started singing karaoke! It was more funny than fun!
Jessie was exhausted on the ride home. She fell asleep minutes after we pulled away. Maybe we should buy a ranch for her to run around on??


jrodges said...

You know .... I have heard that Shane is pretty good at singing songs from the musical "Grease" :)..........

Daisy said...

Angie Huff. We are in the Mountain West Conference and I will always love you, but always cheer for them!

The Roberson Family said...

Hey girl,

I felt the same way when I spent days looking over your blog. we miss you guys bad. Of course you can pass it on, I would love to hear from so old Sunday School buddies.
Lauren got the t-shirt from my cousin. She got it at a specialty store in Sumiton, AL. She said (I haven't tried it yet) that you can go to and orders one. I am going to try because I want one myself. I will let you know if it works.

We were sick too over the game. Michael is blaming it on our dog. Since we got Lauren her dog AL has lost and it has done nothing but rain here. I am already ready for next season.

Love you girl,