"Do all the good you can, By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can, In all the places you can,
At all the times you can, To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can." -John Wesley
"Do all the good you can, By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can, In all the places you can,
At all the times you can, To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can." -John Wesley
Monday, March 30, 2009
The Weekend Wrap Up
It is hard for me to believe that my kids are at the age that they actually have social calendars! I know as they get older, it will only get busier, but it is funny to me that my 7 and 4 year old had plans this weekend and Kendall and I didn't! Friday night Jessie had a play date with Grace and Grayson begged to go play with friends at Kiddin' Around. Saturday Grayson went to Stanley's 8th birthday party while Jessie partied at Brooke's house for her 5th birthday. The Olivas' came over for pizza Saturday night and the kids played upstairs while we watched the basketball tournament. After church on Sunday, Grayson had yet another party to attend. This time at Going Bonkers for Jett's 8th birthday. As if they didn't have enough fun this weekend, they talked me in to renting Madagascar 2 - Escape to Africa to watch before bed last night. I'm not sure what is going on this weekend, but I am sure we will be booked!
Spring Bonnett Parade
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I Have No Idea...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Flat Stanley
Grayson's second grade class has been reading the Flat Stanley books by Jeff Brown. To wrap up their reading, they did a school project with their own Flat Stanley. He cut a figure out of poster board and mailed it to my mom for her to decorate. Flat Stanley's adventures included going to my brother's birthday party, church, and work. He arrived back in Coppell safe and sound wearing blue jeans and an Alabama t-shirt.

Saturday, March 21, 2009
The End of Spring Break
I think it is ironic that the last day of Spring Break was the first official day of Spring! Grayson spent the day at Kiddin' Around since I was busy all day yesterday. Kendall let him and Jessie pick what they wanted for dinner and they chose Cici's Pizza. We think it is gross, but as long as they like it that is all that matters. Then they got to have movie night upstairs. They are so cute cuddled next to each other on the couch upstairs, wrapped in blankets and laughing at the movie. Our next fun, family time will be our camping trip on Memorial Day!! I think we are going to Lantana Lodge with the Higgs family!!! Can't wait!!! :)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Day #4
No pictures today, but I think Grayson had a good day. He went to class at B&N again. Today they made monsters out of clay. He spent the rest of the day playing at Kiddin' Around while I was at work. His diet consisted mostly of ice cream for lunch and dinner, so that had to have been a good time for him. He and Jessie are upstairs right now on a bed full of blankets watching movies! I can't believe only one more day of Spring Break before the school routine starts back.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Day #3
Airplane Class - Sam Won!

Jackson, Mason, Jessie, Sam, Grayson, Abby (not too happy)-
before they were all sent home tonight!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Spring Break Day #2 - St. Patricks Day
Day 2 of Spring Break was equally as fun as yesterday. Not to mention it was St. Patrick's Day!! Jessie was adorable in her green tee shirt. She and Abby tried on green wigs tonight and had fun on the swings. Grayson went to Barnes and Noble for an art class today with Sam and Abby. We ended the "holiday" with dinner at Anamia's with the Higgs crowd and then met up with the Evelers at Fat Daddy's. They were all decked out in their St. Patty's Day attire not only to celebrate the Irish holiday, but Lanette and Charlie have been married for 24 years today!!! I sat outside for a while today and got some much needed sun (a little farmer's tan!). We have had great weather so far for this Spring Break! Too bad we aren't at the beach!!

Can you say Happy St. Patrick's Day??
Monday, March 16, 2009
Spring Break Day #1
After a little work this morning, I made good on my promise to Grayson. Ian came over and they played outside - riding bikes and playing with sidewalk chalk. They also spent about an hour acting out a scene from Star Wars. We grabbed a bite to eat at McDonalds and then went to feed the ducks at the pond. All in all I think Grayson had a good day. We are cooking out tonight and eating outside at his request. The weather is beautiful so, why not? I have to work in downtown Dallas tomorrow, so we will see what we can fit in afterwards.
Chillin' by the pond
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Spring Break is Upon Us...
Well Grayson thinks we are horrible parents for not taking him on vacation for Spring Break. All he heard at school was how all of his friends are going somewhere. It is hard to explain to a 7 year old that it just wasn't in the cards for us to go anywhere this week. Neither Kendall or me could take off right now. I will definitely be making it up to him this summer! However, I have promised that we will do something fun EVERYDAY this week to make up for the lack of a trip! So we started the fun tonight with movie time and hot chocolate. I know, it's not a cruise, but we watched Open Season 2 and had a lot of fun. I decided to blog about it to keep me accountable for actually following through. I'm not sure what we will do tomorrow, but we will do something after I get off work. I will keep you posted!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
A Shower for Baby Olivas
Our sweet friends, Jeanine and Kiki Olivas are expecting baby #3 on April 28. Kendall and I, along with Joe and Leslie Kilgo, hosted a couples baby shower/dinner for them tonight at our house. Seven couples attended the celebration. Joe Kilgo (aka the master chef) prepared chicken enchiladas and guacamole salad that was to die for!! My friend Laura made delicious strawberry cake balls for the dessert. We had a great time chatting about everything from pregnancy to labor to raising kids. We all even gave our predictions for when we think she will actually arrive. I guessed April 17th - we'll see! We can't wait to meet baby Isle when she gets here! Congratulations guys!
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord!"
Kiki and Jeanine - expecting baby #3
Friday, March 13, 2009
Open House
Last night was open house at Wilson Elementary. The second grade all presented their projects in a restaurant style. Grayson's class was called "Kautz's Kitchen". He escorted us in to the classroom, pulled out our chairs and gave us menus. We were told to order the #6 off the menu! We were then served a book written and illustrated by Grayson. It is called "The Diary of Grayson Huff". He did a wonderful job telling stories about his family, friends, and his future. We also watched a DVD of pictures that have been taken over the year. Second grade has been a very good year for him. He has matured in so many ways. I can't believe this school year will be over in a couple of months!
Showing off what's on the menu!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Jessie and Mr. Bear
Jessie's school project this week was to bring home Mr. Bear and document her activities with him. We took him to taekwondo on Friday night. She then left him in the Rivera's car when she rode home with them after the event. We didn't get Mr. Bear back until late today. So, needless to say, Mr. Bear did not enjoy too many activities with the Huff's this weekend - no church, no fabulous birthday party at Kathryn's house, no going out to eat. Instead he spent the majority of his time in the Rivera's car. We did manage to have a little fun tonight.
Bubble Bath!!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Taekwondo Mid-Term
Grayson, Sam, Dante and Jackson all passed their mid-term last night. All 4 of them will get to test together for their black belts on May 1!!! Ironically, I also tested for my blackbelt on May 1 last year. We are so proud of Grayson. It took two attempts out of three for him to break his board with a kick, but he did it! I was a nervous wreck. I think Shari, Michelle, and Stacy were pretty nervous for their boys too.
Excited for testing to begin
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Silly Hat Day at Primrose
This week is Dr. Suess Read Across America at schoool. Everyday has a different theme. Tuesday was silly hat day. I gave Jessie a cow girl hat to wear. She said, "Mom, it's not silly!" So, we put a plastic pink rose in it. You can tell by the smile that she thought it was quite beautiful! Today was crazy hair day and tomorrow they will wear mis matched socks and shoes and watch a Dr. Suess movie. I wish I were back in Preschool!
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