Is it ironic that our government just gave the auto industry $17.4 billion of the $700 billion bailout plan approved in September as I sit and write a fat check to pay my property taxes this year? The Bible clearly states that we all are responsible for our own debts. Why is corporate America held to a different standard than me?
"Do all the good you can, By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can, In all the places you can,
At all the times you can, To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can." -John Wesley
"Do all the good you can, By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can, In all the places you can,
At all the times you can, To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can." -John Wesley
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas is Over!
Usually I have all the Christmas decorations down by now. I mean, I love Christmas, but I also love my house being back to normal. I worked for a couple of hours tonight and got a lot accomplised. Everything is packed up and back in storage except for the tree. I can't believe I have to go back to work Monday. We have had such a good week that it feels weird knowing we get back to "normal" on Monday. One more day to enjoy my family time (and get the rest of my house cleaned)! I hope everyone had a wonderful time with their families!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas Morning
Despite all the drama on Christmas Eve, Grayson and Jessie were so excited to see their gifts!
Grayson's favorite - the Millenium Falcon
We went to Charlie and Lanette's for lunch. What a fun, relaxed time!!
Grayson, Jacob and Jessie watching a movie...
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve never goes as planned for me (most holidays don't). I always have this wonderful evening all planned in my head. Sort of like a story book plan, I guess. One of these years, I will learn just to let things happen as they may and not be so uptight about it.
This was the plan - Christmas Eve service at church, come home and eat around the table. Have our traditional Birthday Party for Jesus, light the fireplace, read the Christmas story out of the Bible, drink hot chocolate and get lost in a great Christmas movie until the kids fall asleep. Then Santa would come, Kendall and I would get some rest and wake up to joyous faces on Christmas morning!!! Who doesn't want that??
Well, here's how it played out. After our day at the mall, I went to the grocery store. Then we headed to church for a beautiful candlelight service. Jeanine called and invited us to Anamia's for dinner and Kendall quickly agreed (so much for dinner at home - not to mention I could have napped instead of running to the store after our tiring day at the mall!) So, we didn't get home until 8:30 and the kids still had to have a bath. Luckily I bought cupcakes at the store and didn't have to make any so we proceeded with singing Happy Birthday to Jesus, blew out the candles and enjoyed our cupcakes. Jessie rubbed chocolate icing all over the kitchen chairs - nice! Kendall sat soaking his recently severed foot in vinegar and water - that smell does not remind you of Christmas! It was too hot to light the fireplace and no one in my family will drink a hot beverage except me. So, no fireplace, no hot chocolate. We curled up to watch "Fred Claus" which was really cute and funny. By this time we are approaching 11p.m. The kids put out the cookies and milk and headed up to bed. I started taking out all of the gifts that needed to be wrapped. I heard Grayson crying a couple of times because he said he couldn't sleep and was afraid Santa wasn't going to come if he didn't go to sleep. I knew he was just excited so I let it go and proceeded with 'Santa duties'. Before I knew it, Grayson was standing behind me, overlooking my shoulder with tears, the room covered in Santa gifts!! I reacted immediately, spun him around and almost literally threw him in my bed! There you have it - BUSTED! I just knew it was over for my 7 year old. I asked him what he saw in the room and said only the black box with a red bow (Kendall's gift). I told him I was sad because I thought he may have seen what Kendall and I were giving him for Christmas and I didn't want his surprise to be ruined. It was a quick lie and the only thing I could come up with. I left the bedroom and had a breakdown to Kendall because I just think 7 is too young to not believe in Santa! I finally calmed down, sent Kendall to lay down with Grayson to make sure he didn't wake up again and finished everything. I got in bed around 2a.m. Before I knew it, both kids were in our bed and we all slept until 8:45 Christmas morning!
This was the plan - Christmas Eve service at church, come home and eat around the table. Have our traditional Birthday Party for Jesus, light the fireplace, read the Christmas story out of the Bible, drink hot chocolate and get lost in a great Christmas movie until the kids fall asleep. Then Santa would come, Kendall and I would get some rest and wake up to joyous faces on Christmas morning!!! Who doesn't want that??
Well, here's how it played out. After our day at the mall, I went to the grocery store. Then we headed to church for a beautiful candlelight service. Jeanine called and invited us to Anamia's for dinner and Kendall quickly agreed (so much for dinner at home - not to mention I could have napped instead of running to the store after our tiring day at the mall!) So, we didn't get home until 8:30 and the kids still had to have a bath. Luckily I bought cupcakes at the store and didn't have to make any so we proceeded with singing Happy Birthday to Jesus, blew out the candles and enjoyed our cupcakes. Jessie rubbed chocolate icing all over the kitchen chairs - nice! Kendall sat soaking his recently severed foot in vinegar and water - that smell does not remind you of Christmas! It was too hot to light the fireplace and no one in my family will drink a hot beverage except me. So, no fireplace, no hot chocolate. We curled up to watch "Fred Claus" which was really cute and funny. By this time we are approaching 11p.m. The kids put out the cookies and milk and headed up to bed. I started taking out all of the gifts that needed to be wrapped. I heard Grayson crying a couple of times because he said he couldn't sleep and was afraid Santa wasn't going to come if he didn't go to sleep. I knew he was just excited so I let it go and proceeded with 'Santa duties'. Before I knew it, Grayson was standing behind me, overlooking my shoulder with tears, the room covered in Santa gifts!! I reacted immediately, spun him around and almost literally threw him in my bed! There you have it - BUSTED! I just knew it was over for my 7 year old. I asked him what he saw in the room and said only the black box with a red bow (Kendall's gift). I told him I was sad because I thought he may have seen what Kendall and I were giving him for Christmas and I didn't want his surprise to be ruined. It was a quick lie and the only thing I could come up with. I left the bedroom and had a breakdown to Kendall because I just think 7 is too young to not believe in Santa! I finally calmed down, sent Kendall to lay down with Grayson to make sure he didn't wake up again and finished everything. I got in bed around 2a.m. Before I knew it, both kids were in our bed and we all slept until 8:45 Christmas morning!
Happy Birthday Jesus!
Christmas Eve Day
Kendall's parents left this morning and soon after we received a phone call from Cathy and Dave inviting us out to Northpark Mall. I had a moment of insanity and said okay. It was crazy going to one of the most popular malls in North Texas on Christmas Eve! We took the kids to see the train exhibit which was really cool. We also waited forever to see Santa! It was worth the wait. The kids had a great time and we got to spend some time with Cathy and Dave which we haven't done a lot of lately. While we waited for Santa, Jessie and I snuck off to Libby Lu to get her ears pierced!!!! She was such a big girl about it.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas Eve, Eve
Another fun day with Nani and Pappaw has come and gone. The kids are in the bed and are going to be devastated when the grandparents go back home tomorrow. We shopped in Southlake today and then they took Grayson and Jessie to see "Bolt". While they watched a movie, I took Kendall to the podiatrist to get a disgusting wart removed from the heel of his foot. It was the quickest outpatient procedure I have ever seen! Literally, I watched the doctor dig a large marble sized mass out of his foot. They wouldn't let Kendall see it until they were done. Now he has a giant whole in his right foot and is limping. He should heal fast. It will only be painful for a few days. Can you believe he asked the doctor for a handicap parking pass so that we could go shopping again tomorrow??
Induction Ceremony
Last Saturday was our black belt induction ceremony for everyone who had earned their belt this past year. It was a very traditional, Korean ceremony. The room was completely black and each student lit a candle as music played. We each gave gifts to our instructors symbolizing our journey to our black belt. I really didn't know what to expect. This is the first one our school has had. It was really cool.
Christmas Comes Early
The kids got to visit with Lanette yesterday when they took her a gift - a picture of themselves! They have so much fun over there! Mainly because she lets them do whatever they want!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Libby Bales made it home from the hospital safe and sound yesterday. What a Christmas miracle! It is a true testament to answered prayer. We have literally had people all over the world praying for her. Kendall's mom sent an email to prayer friends in Thailand as well as all over the U.S. Several of us contributed to a prayer chain to hang in the waiting room during the surgery. It is wonderful to wrap yourself in prayer and see the immediate response from such a loving God. We are glad you are home, Libby. Merry Christmas to the Bales family!
Pappaw and Nani are Here!
Pappaw and Nani arrived about 8:30 last night. Suddenly Kendall and I were no longer of any importance to the kids. Only Nani could read the Bible story, there were fights as to who would sit by Pappaw, so on and so on...
I woke up early this morning to get coffee and breakfast going and do a little work before the house came alive. I had about an hour and a half of peace before I heard Grayson and Jessie sneaking down the stairs. Grayson said "Jessie, look there are presents under the tree!!" They immediately started scoping the loot for what was theirs. Of course, all of it was theirs! I convinced them there would be time for gifts later tonight. So, Grayson looked at Jessie and said "Let's sneak in and see if we hear Pappaw snoring!" It was nothing but giggles after that! Here are a couple of pics from today...
I woke up early this morning to get coffee and breakfast going and do a little work before the house came alive. I had about an hour and a half of peace before I heard Grayson and Jessie sneaking down the stairs. Grayson said "Jessie, look there are presents under the tree!!" They immediately started scoping the loot for what was theirs. Of course, all of it was theirs! I convinced them there would be time for gifts later tonight. So, Grayson looked at Jessie and said "Let's sneak in and see if we hear Pappaw snoring!" It was nothing but giggles after that! Here are a couple of pics from today...
Snuggled up with Pappaw watching "The Grinch"
Sweet Friends...
All I Want for Christmas Is...
Allison Comes to Visit
There is absolutely no reason to have this lone picture of Caroline on my blog, other than the laughs it will bring to two other people who will see it besides me! If you don't know Caroline - just stand in the door at Tom Thumb. Surely you will meet her there. I think she keeps a cot in the back of the store! Definitely one of the funniest people I have ever met!
As you scroll through my blog, you can tell the difference between the pictures taken with Kendall's nice Cannon Rebal camera and the ones with my little Cybershot. These were taken with my little Sony Cybershot. I have only had this camera for one year. I am very dissapointed in the quality of this little piece of junk! I do not recommend you buy one! It gets worse the more you use it!

Festivus celebration with a couple of my customers at Cool River...

TKD - Recommended Black Belt!
Cooking Class
Grayson and the Hand Bell Choir
So much has been going on this week! I feel like at least a month has passed since my last update. Last Sunday, Grayson played in the hand bell choir for part of a Christmas program at church. There was the regular choir, adult hand bell choir and children's hand bell choir. Grayson was instructed to ring on D5 (whatever that means). He did a great job. Very animated of course! At the end of the presentation, he bowed and waved like he had just performed on Broadway! I'm going to assume he gets the musical talent from his uncle Derrick!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Saddle Tree Trail - Christmas Party
Okay, another Christmas party! Saturday night was the neighborhood party and ornament exchange. It felt soooo good to NOT be a hostess this year. As the event planner, most parties in the neighborhood take place here. But, we did a progressive dinner again starting with appetizers at the Bittermans. Everything was delicious. I think Kendall ate the whole pot of meatballs!

How old are these two? Together they act like 3 year olds!
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